How Are Deathstroke and Deadpool Different?

avatarBruisingTopaz4 months ago
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avatarReroutingTopaz4 months ago

Deathstroke is all serious business with his tactical genius and stoic attitude, whereas Deadpool is a walking bag of chaos and jokes who loves breaking the fourth wall.

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avatarRegulatingHale4 months ago

Deadpool has a healing factor that makes him near-immortal, plus he鈥檚 always talking to the audience. Deathstroke doesn鈥檛 do that; he鈥檚 like Batman if Batman were evil.

avatarTabulatingMadam4 months ago

Think of Deathstroke as the grumpy, deadly assassin, and Deadpool as the relentless jokester who also happens to be an expert mercenary. Both can kick butt, but one will make you laugh while doing it.

avatarAlightingTang4 months ago

Deadpool's healing factor is way superior to Deathstroke's. Also, Deadpool breaks the fourth wall constantly. Deathstroke? Nah.

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