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Can you play Lethal Company with integrated graphics?

Can you play Lethal Company with integrated graphics?

avatar Nic Weber

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Yeah, you can play Lethal Company with integrated graphics, but don't expect it to run like a dream. The game isn't too heavy, but depending on your system's specs, you might have to adjust the graphics settings a bit to get it running smoothly. Keep those settings on low and cross your fingers!

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Absolutely! My laptop's got nothing but integrated graphics, and I've been playing Lethal Company without major issues. Sure, I had to dial down the graphics settings to low, and it doesn't look as shiny, but the game's chilling atmosphere and coop fun are all there. Just make sure your system meets the minimum specs at least!



Short answer: Yes, but it's like riding a bike with flat tires. You'll move, but it won't be pretty.

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