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Does Apex Legends have a single player mode?

Does Apex Legends have a single player mode?

avatar Tatiana Burgos

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Sorry to burst your bubble but no, Apex Legends doesn't have a single player mode. It's a team-based battle royale where you squad up in teams of three. But hey, that's where the fun is at! Teaming up, strategizing, and outplaying other squads. If you're looking to fly solo, you'll be doing it alongside two other teammates, whether they're friends or randoms.

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Nah, Apex Legends is all about that squad life. No solo campaign to speak of. But you know what? That's what makes it exciting! Plus, playing with others means you can share those epic wins (or hilarious fails).



Apex Legends? Solo mode? Doesn't exist. But honestly, why go solo when you can dive into the chaos with a couple of pals or some randoms? It’s the squad dynamics that make the game what it is. Who knows, you might even make some new friends!

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