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How do I get high-quality Palm Oil in Palworld?

How do I get high-quality Palm Oil in Palworld?

avatar Tatiana Burgos

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Just keep hitting those Palm trees! Jokes aside, high-quality Palm Oil isn't that hard to get. Just focus on exploring and leveling up. The better your gear and skills, the higher your chances of getting that top-tier oil.

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Getting high-quality Palm Oil in Palworld is all about where you look and how you play. First off, make sure you're exploring thoroughly; high-quality Palm Oil often pops up in less traveled paths or hidden areas. Don't forget to upgrade your tools and skills, as they can help you extract resources more efficiently. Lastly, trade with other players whenever you can. Sometimes, they have exactly what you need!



Honestly, it's all RNG (random number generation). You could find high-quality Palm Oil on your first try or your hundredth. Just enjoy the game and don't stress too much about it.

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