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How is a Funko Pop Made?

How is a Funko Pop Made?

avatar Jessica Ferguson

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Just imagine a 3D printer had a baby with pop culture, and you've got yourself a Funko Pop! First, artists dream up the design. Then, computers and machines do their thing, churning out these lil' figures from vinyl. Paint, pack, and boom - ready to be the crown jewel of your collection.

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It's not rocket science or anything. They design them, mold them out of vinyl, slap some paint on, and box them up. Pretty straightforward.



Funko Pops start their life as a concept, often based on a popular character from TV, movies, video games, etc. Artists at Funko sketch out the design, capturing the unique, stylized look we all love. These sketches then get turned into 3D digital models, where every detail is refined. Next, molds are made from these models. The actual Pops are made from vinyl, using these molds. They're produced, painted, and assembled - some parts are even hand-painted! Finally, they're packaged up in those iconic window boxes, ready to find a home with collectors.

Get Funko Pops for playing games on Playbite!




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