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How rare are Japanese Pokemon cards worth?

How rare are Japanese Pokemon cards worth?

avatar Tatiana Burgos

Best answer



Japanese Pokemon cards can be super valuable, especially if they're rare editions or have unique attributes like misprints or are part of limited releases. Rarity, condition, and demand play huge roles in determining their worth. Some can fetch thousands of dollars at auctions, while others might just be a few bucks. It's always a treasure hunt!

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Depends on what you've got. A regular Japanese card might not be worth much more than its English counterpart, but if you stumble upon a vintage holographic card or a promo item, you could be sitting on a goldmine. Pro tip: Check out online auctions to get a feel for the current market.



Honestly, not all Japanese Pokemon cards are worth a lot. Most common ones are just that, common. However, if you've got something like a first edition or a rare promo card, then yeah, you might have something worth bragging about.

Get Pokemon Cards by playing games on Playbite!




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