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How to Find Ladders in Mines Stardew Valley

How to Find Ladders in Mines Stardew Valley

avatar Nic Weber

Best answer



Finding ladders in Stardew Valley mines is all about breaking rocks! The more you smash, the higher your chances of revealing a ladder. But here's a tip: focus on the gray rocks, they seem to have a better chance of hiding a ladder beneath. Also, keep an eye out for enemies. Defeating them can sometimes spawn a ladder, giving you a shortcut to the next level. Happy mining!

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Here's a hot take: don't rush looking for the ladder. Take your time to gather ore and gems too. Sometimes, when you least expect it, you'll find the ladder after defeating a random slime or breaking a rock that's in your way. It's like the game rewards you for taking it slow and soaking in the adventure. Plus, the extra resources you collect on the way are a bonus!



Ladders can be super sneaky. If you're really stuck, try looking for stones that are shaped differently or have a different color. Sometimes, the game throws a curveball and hides the ladder under those. But hey, 90% of the time, it's just under the plain ol' rocks.



Just smash everything in sight, the ladders will show up eventually. No strategy, just chaos.

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