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How to get a lot of Galleons in Hogwarts Legacy

How to get a lot of Galleons in Hogwarts Legacy

avatar Nic Weber

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Farming Galleons in Hogwarts Legacy is actually fun! Make sure you complete as many quests as possible, especially the side quests, since they often reward you with a hefty amount of Galleons. Don't forget to use the Depulso spell to discover and open hidden chests around the world, which frequently contain Galleons and valuable items you can sell. Also, mastering potion-making can be quite profitable. Brew potions and sell them to vendors for a good price!

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Honestly, just explore. The world of Hogwarts Legacy is massive, and there are treasures and hidden items everywhere. Half the time, you'll stumble upon Galleons or sellable items without even trying. It’s pretty much like tripping over a rock and finding gold.



IMO, just stick to the storyline and quests. The game's generous enough with Galleons as long as you're not trying to buy the entire stock of Ollivanders. 🪄💸



Just loot everything. Full-on klepto mode. If it's not nailed down in Hogwarts Legacy, it's yours. Easy Galleons.

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