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How to Obtain Hu Tao in Genshin Impact

How to Obtain Hu Tao in Genshin Impact
Tatiana Burgos

Last updated

Curious about snagging Hu Tao in Genshin Impact? You’re in the right spot to find out how to welcome this fiery character to your team. Let’s dive straight into how you can get Hu Tao, a popular character known for her high damage output and unique abilities.

So, you’re wondering how to get Hu Tao in Genshin Impact? Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty and cover everything you need to know to add her to your lineup.

Summoning Hu Tao Through the Gacha System

First off, Hu Tao is available via the game’s “Wish” feature, which is Genshin Impact’s version of a gacha system. This means you’ll need to spend Primogems, the game’s premium currency, to have a chance at obtaining her. Hu Tao appears in what’s known as a “Character Event Wish,” a time-limited event that features specific characters with increased drop rates. It’s crucial to keep an eye on the game’s announcements or social media channels to know when her banner will reappear.

Remember, since Hu Tao is a 5-star character, the odds of pulling her from the Wish system are quite low. However, Genshin Impact has a pity system that guarantees a 5-star character if you don’t get one within 90 attempts. If you’re aiming for Hu Tao specifically, make sure to save your Primogems and wishes for her event!

Playbite: A Fun Way to Earn Genshin Impact In-Game Currencies

Excited about the chance to add Hu Tao to your Genshin Impact squad but running low on Primogems? No worries! Did you know that by hopping into the Playbite app, you can play casual games to win official App Store and Play Store gift cards? These gift cards can fund your Genshin Impact adventures, helping you score those much-needed Primogems for Hu Tao. So, why wait? Download the Playbite app today, start playing, win rewards, and get a step closer to summoning Hu Tao and enhancing your Genshin Impact experience!

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