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How To Progress in Stardew Valley

How To Progress in Stardew Valley

avatar Jessica Ferguson

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Progress in Stardew Valley can best be described as a marathon, not a sprint. It's all about setting small goals for yourself. Start with clearing a small piece of land on your farm to plant a few crops. As you make money from selling those crops, reinvest in more seeds and expand little by little. Don't forget to explore the town, talk to the townsfolk (they give useful tips and sometimes gifts), and try a bit of everything the game offers from fishing to mining. The Community Center bundles are a great way to guide your progress, offering clear objectives with rewarding unlocks.

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Just fish. Seriously, start by fishing to make quick money in early spring. It'll give you enough funds to buy strawberry seeds at the Egg Festival on the 13th. Strawberries are like gold in Stardew Valley!



Wanna level up fast? Focus on upgrading your tools as soon as you can. This will make your farm work MUCH easier and more efficient. And don't underestimate the power of friendships in this game. Befriend villagers for some sweet, sweet perks.

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