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What Do Composters Do in Minecraft?

What Do Composters Do in Minecraft?
Diego Kafie

Last updated

Ever wondered what composters do in the colorful blocky world of Minecraft? If you’re diving into the game or looking to level up your farming skills, understanding the role of a composter is key.

So, let’s dig into the nitty-gritty of what a composter does in Minecraft and how it can benefit your gameplay!

Short Answer: Composters Turn Waste into Bonemeal

In Minecraft, composters are pretty awesome tools. They turn your garden waste and other plant-based items into something super useful called bonemeal. Yes, you heard that right! All those leaves, seeds, and veggies you don’t need can help you in a big way.

Bonemeal acts like magic dust for your crops. Sprinkle some on your plants, and they grow faster than you can say “Minecraft.” It’s a simple yet effective way to speed up your farming and get more goodies to craft and build with.

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