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What does Homescapes look like when it’s completed?

What does Homescapes look like when it’s completed?

avatar Stu Feldt

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When you've finally completed Homescapes, you're in for a treat! The mansion is fully restored, bursting with personality and detail in every room. Each space showcases a unique theme and decorations that you've chosen throughout the game. It's like a grand reveal of a perfectly curated home, made even better by the fact that you helped Austin bring it to life!

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Lemme tell you, it looks pretty awesome. It's like those before and after shots in home renovation shows, but you get to say, 'I did that!' The satisfaction of seeing the whole mansion restored and decorated just how you like it? Priceless.



Honestly, it kinda depends on your taste. You get to pick out a lot of the decorations and furniture, so it can look really cool or a bit of a mishmash. But either way, completing Homescapes is a big achievement.

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