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What does the app folder for Homescapes look like?

What does the app folder for Homescapes look like?

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If you're diving into your phone or tablet's files to find the Homescapes app folder, it'll look like a lot of other game folders at first glance. However, it's typically named something related to the game's developer, Playrix, or the game itself, like 'com.playrix.homescapes' on Android devices. Inside, you'll find game data, save files, and all the bits that make Austin's adventures possible!

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Honestly, never had to look for it, but my buddy who's always tinkering with his phone apps said it's a folder named 'com.playrix.homescapes' or something like that. He found it while trying to clear some space and ended up getting hooked on the game instead of deleting stuff, haha.

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