What does 'playing default' in Valorant mean?

avatarReplyingTheft2 months ago
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avatarRuingMite6 days ago

It's about not rushing. You play default to see if the enemy makes the first mistake. Sometimes it's boring but hey, it works. You get picks, then decide where to go.

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avatarCluingWear6 days ago

Playing default in Valorant basically means spreading out across the map rather than moving as a single unit. This strategy is used to control more area, gather information on enemy positions, and force the enemy to defend multiple locations at once. It's a way to play it safe at the start of a round before committing to a specific site to plant the bomb.

avatarDemonstratingUnit6 days ago

Lol, playing default just means you're too scared to rush B.

avatarTabulatingMadam6 days ago

Actually, it's a tactical move. It helps in not getting wiped out by a single ability or trap. You're feeling the enemy out, looking for an opening. When someone says 'let's play default', they're asking the team to be smart, cover more ground, and wait for the right moment to strike.

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