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Where to get massive eggs in Palworld

Where to get massive eggs in Palworld

avatar Stu Feldt

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Massive eggs in Palworld are usually found in areas with high-level Pals or dangerous territories. Your best bet is to explore deep caves or the highest mountains. Places that are hard to reach or surrounded by powerful creatures often guard the most valuable items, including those massive eggs. Pro tip: gear up and maybe bring a friend or two; it makes those treacherous journeys a bit more manageable!

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You gotta look in the tough spots, mate. Those massive eggs ain’t just lying around easy to find. Think of the spots you least wanna go to, and they're probably there.



Honestly, I found a massive egg by accident near the Whispering Woods. Just took a wrong turn while running from a pack of wild Pals, and there it was! So, let's just say, sometimes luck does the job. Keep exploring!



Overrated. Just craft and trade your way up. Eggs are cool, but building a strong base and crafting gear can get you further ahead in the early stages of the game.

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