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How do I turn off turrets in Lethal Company?

How do I turn off turrets in Lethal Company?

avatar Tatiana Burgos

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Turning off turrets in Lethal Company can be a real game-changer! Here's how you do it: look for the control panel, usually located near the turret or in an adjacent room. These panels are often guarded or hidden, so keep an eye out for clues. You'll need a security code or a hack item, which can be found while scavenging. Some turrets can also be temporarily disabled with an EMP blast if you have the right equipment. Teamwork is key here, so coordinate with your buddies to cover each other while one attempts to shut it down.

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Just shoot 'em till they stop beeping. Works every time. If it beeps, you can defeat it!



Actually, avoiding them might be better than turning them off. Getting past without triggering them adds an extra layer of strategy and suspense. Plus, it saves resources for when you really need them.

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