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How do you tell what edition your Pokemon card is?

How do you tell what edition your Pokemon card is?

avatar Nic Weber

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Just flip the card over and squint really hard. Nah, just kidding! Look near the bottom of the card, there's usually a symbol or text that tells you the edition. If there's nothing there, it's probably not a special edition.

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Checking the edition of a Pokemon card is pretty straightforward! Look for a little symbol on the card, usually found at the bottom right or left of the card image. For example, a '1' inside a circle means it's a first edition. No symbol often means it's a standard or unlimited edition. Also, some special editions like holographic or promo cards have unique symbols or text indicating their edition. Always make sure to handle your cards carefully when checking!



It's all about the symbols, my friend. No symbol, no party - it's probably just a standard edition.

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