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How does a Mega Pokemon card work in the Pokemon TCG?

How does a Mega Pokemon card work in the Pokemon TCG?

avatar Tatiana Burgos

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Mega Pokemon cards are like leveling up your favorite superhero! When you have a Mega Evolution card, you need to play it ON TOP of the Basic Pokemon it evolves from. Remember, this counts as your one evolution per turn. When you evolve a Pokemon into its Mega form, it ends your turn immediately (bummer, I know), but the payoff is HUGE because Mega Pokemon are way stronger and have more powerful attacks than their basic forms. Just keep an eye on that 'Mega Evolution Rule'!

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Honestly, Mega Pokemon cards are overrated. Yeah, they're powerful, but ending your turn when you play one? No thanks, I'll stick to my strategy without them.



Mega Pokemon cards? Easy mode. Just slap that bad boy onto the Pokémon it evolves from and watch your opponent sweat. Sure, it ends your turn, but with the firepower these Mega cards pack, it's worth it. Game on!

Get Pokemon Cards by playing games on Playbite!




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