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How does Wraith from Apex Legends work?

How does Wraith from Apex Legends work?

avatar Jessica Ferguson

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Wraith's basically your spooky ninja of Apex Legends. She goes 'boo' with her tactical, zipping through dimensions where no one can touch her. Ultimate's like a party trick - poof, a door to your very own secret passage! And if someone's aiming at you, her voices will be all like 'Heads up, champ!' Super useful if ya ask me.

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Wraith in Apex Legends is all about stealth and misdirection. She can become invincible and invisible for a short time using her tactical ability 'Into the Void', letting her dodge damage and reposition. Her ultimate, 'Dimensional Rift', creates two portals connecting for 60 seconds, allowing rapid movement between two areas. Plus, she's got a passive ability 'Voices from the Void' that warns her when danger's near. Basically, she's your go-to Legend for sneaking around and surprising opponents!



Wraith's overrated. Yeah, she can move fast and dodge bullets, but any good player can take her out. Just aim where she's gonna be, not where she is.

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