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How Many Hours of Gameplay Does Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Offer?

How Many Hours of Gameplay Does Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Offer?

avatar Jessica Ferguson

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The hours you'll pour into Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom really depend on your play style! If you're the type to speed through the main storyline, you might wrap it up in around 50-60 hours. But if you're like me, always getting distracted by every shiny object and side quest, you could easily find yourself lost in Hyrule for 100+ hours. And that's not even counting the time you'll spend just messing around with the new object manipulation mechanics!

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If someone tells you they finished everything in Tears of the Kingdom under 50 hours, they're speedrunning or missing out. There's too much beauty and adventure to rush. Expect 100+ hours if you're playing it right.



bare minimum, ur looking at 50 hours to beat Tears of the Kingdom. but honestly, why rush? with all the exploring and side quests, it's easy to hit 100 hours. so take ur time and enjoy!



100 hours?? I managed to beat it in 45, and that's with a fair bit of side questing. Depends on how good you are, I guess.

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