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How to get Ancient Heroes’ Aspect in Tears of the Kingdom

How to get Ancient Heroes’ Aspect in Tears of the Kingdom

avatar Tatiana Burgos

Best answer



To grab the Ancient Heroes' Aspect, you'll need to keep an eye out for Ancient Shrines scattered across Hyrule. These places often hold the key to unlocking many of the game's secrets, including this sought-after Aspect. Dive deep into dungeons, solve puzzles, and defeat the guardians that lurk inside. Sometimes, it's all about exploring those out-of-the-way places and being ready for a challenge. Don't forget to use your new powers to manipulate objects that might reveal hidden paths or solutions!

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Found it by accident while trying to escape a Lynel in the Hebra region. Turns out, running for your life can lead to some pretty neat discoveries in Tears of the Kingdom. Keep your eyes open, and don't be afraid to explore every nook and cranny!



Hot take: Just play the game, folks! The joy is in the discovery. You'll stumble upon the Ancient Heroes' Aspect when you're meant to. No need to rush. Hyrule isn't going anywhere.

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