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How much have they spent on GTA 6?

How much have they spent on GTA 6?

avatar Nic Weber

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Oh, brace yourselves, gamers! Investing in the chaotic beauty that is GTA 6, Rockstar Games has been throwing money into the project like it's a lavish heist payout. While we don't have the exact figures 'cause Rockstar keeps their treasure chest under lock and key, rumors suggest we're talking about a budget that could rival small country economies. Given the franchise's history, it's safe to say the investment is monumental, ensuring GTA 6 will be another blockbuster hit in their legendary lineup.

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Nobody knows for sure, but it's gotta be a LOT. Think of the graphics, the massive world, the detailed missions... Rockstar doesn't skimp on making GTA games amazing.



Less than you'd spend on a real-life sports car, but more than you'd want to know. GTA 6 is gonna be epic, no doubt!



Considering the scale and ambition of GTA 6, it's probably safe to assume they've spent a small fortune. But in gaming, greatness comes at a cost, and GTA 6 promises to be nothing short of great.

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