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How much is the Pokemon Card Gyarados worth?

How much is the Pokemon Card Gyarados worth?

avatar Diego Kafie

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The value of a Gyarados Pokemon card can vary a LOT depending on the edition, condition, and whether it's a special version like a holographic or a first edition. Generally, common Gyarados cards might be a few dollars, but if you've got something like a 1st Edition or a holographic mint condition, we're talking potentially hundreds or even thousands! Always check the latest auctions or card databases for the most current prices.

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Honestly, unless it's a super rare variant, Gyarados cards aren't breaking the bank. Sure, there are some exceptions, but most you'll find at a decent price. Check online listings.



Just checked my collection and sold a Gyarados for $50 last month. It was in pretty good condition but not perfect. So, depends a lot on the card's state and which Gyarados it is. Prices can go way up for rarer versions!



$2 and a pack of gum, unless you've got one of those fancy holographic ones from the 90s. Then maybe a bit more.

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