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How to make the cell phone in Terraria

How to make the cell phone in Terraria

avatar Stu Feldt

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Honestly, making the cell phone feels like a full-time job in Terraria. You gotta get all these items and mash 'em together, and some are a pain to find. But, the payoff is huge - instant access to so much info and teleportation back home whenever you want. Totally recommend sticking it out and crafting it.

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Making the cell phone in Terraria is like piecing together the most epic puzzle. You'll need to craft or find a bunch of items: the PDA, Magic Mirror (or Ice Mirror), and combine them at a Tinkerer's Workshop. The tricky part? The PDA itself is a mashup of 13 different items - things like the GPS, R.E.K. 3000, Goblin Tech, and more. Each of these items is crafted from other components you find or earn throughout the game. It's a journey, but getting that Cell Phone is so worth it for the convenience!



Just combine the PDA and a Magic Mirror at the Tinkerer's Workshop. Done. Easy peasy.

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