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How to Open the Door in Lethal Company from the Ship

How to Open the Door in Lethal Company from the Ship

avatar Nic Weber

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If you're stuck at the door, you're probably missing the code. Look around for any kind of written note or check computers for emails or documents. Sometimes the crew left behind codes that you can use. And remember, teamwork makes the dream work in Lethal Company!

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Oh boy, the ol' door puzzle in Lethal Company. So here's the deal: you gotta find a keypad nearby. It's usually not too far from the door. Once you find it, you'll need a code. Sometimes it's hidden in notes or on computers around the ship. Other times, you might have to solve a puzzle or get it from defeating a creature. Keep your eyes peeled and your wits about you!



Just kick the door lol. JK, you need to find the code. It's all about exploring.



Honestly, finding the door code is my favorite part. Feels like being a detective in space. Check everywhere, and don't miss the small details!

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