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Why buy bacon in Plants vs Zombies?

Why buy bacon in Plants vs Zombies?

avatar Stu Feldt

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Bacon in Plants vs Zombies is more of a novelty item than a game-changer. It doesn't give you any in-game advantage or boost, but it's there to add a bit of humor and fun. Think of it as a way to tip your hat to the zombies, offering them bacon instead of your brains. If you've got some extra in-game money and want to see something quirky, go for the bacon!

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Honestly, buying bacon in PvZ is just for laughs. It's totally unnecessary for beating the game. Save your coins for more useful stuff.



I bought bacon just to see what would happen, and it's pretty much just for fun. No real purpose, but hey, if you're swimming in in-game money, why not?

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