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Does Apex Legends have multiplayer?

Does Apex Legends have multiplayer?

avatar Jessica Ferguson

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Oh, absolutely! Apex Legends thrives on multiplayer madness! It's a hero shooter battle royale that pits squads of three against each other. So you'll need some solid teamwork and strategy to outplay the other teams and be the last squad standing. Loads of unique legends to choose from, each with their own special abilities. It's all about that squad synergy!

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Yep, all multiplayer, all the time. No solo mode here, buddy. Team up or get swept!



For sure, Apex Legends is the ultimate team-based battle royale game. It’s all about joining forces with two other players and diving into some intense multiplayer action. What's cool is the mix of characters (Legends) you can choose from, each bringing their own flavor to the team dynamics. Plus, winning feels so good when you strategize and execute as a team.

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