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How much is Grand Theft Auto V on Xbox One?

How much is Grand Theft Auto V on Xbox One?

avatar Nic Weber

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The price of Grand Theft Auto V on Xbox One can vary based on where you're looking. If you're checking out the digital store, like the Microsoft Store, prices can range from $29.99 for just the base game to around $99.99 for bundles including the game and other content like Shark Cash Cards. Always a good idea to catch it during sales for a sweeter deal!

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GTAV's price fluctuates a lot, especially during sales. I snagged mine during a holiday sale for like 15 bucks! Keep an eye on the Xbox store and other retailers; you never know when a deal's gonna drop.



30 bucks too much for an old game. Wait for GTA 6 or get it second hand.



Honestly, just wait for a sale. GTA V's been out for a while, so it dips down in price pretty regularly on the Xbox Store. You could get it for a song if you're patient.

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