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How to become a cop on GTA 5 offline

How to become a cop on GTA 5 offline

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Ah, joining Los Santos' finest, are we? In GTA 5 offline, you can't officially become a cop through regular gameplay. But, here's a workaround: you can steal a police car (I know, ironic!) and get uniforms to role-play as a cop. It's all about imagination here. There's no mission or game mechanic that officially appoints you as a police officer, but that doesn't mean you can't enforce the law in style!

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Kinda did a DIY cop life in GTA 5 offline. Snagged a police cruiser, suited up in a uniform I found online (mods, my friend, mods), and boom, I'm the law. Not official, but close enough for epic roleplay sessions.



Simple: you don't. GTA 5 doesn't let you become a cop like it's a career choice. Best you can do is pretend by driving around in cop cars.

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