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How to break into the safe in the stash house in GTA 5

How to break into the safe in the stash house in GTA 5

avatar Tatiana Burgos

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just use a sticky bomb lol, quickest way to get in and out. 💥

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LOL, breaking into safes in GTA 5 is like the bread and butter of any good virtual criminal! First, you gotta find the stash house, right? Then, it's all about getting your hands on a drill or explosives if you're feeling dramatic. Usually, using a drill is quieter and keeps the cops off your back. Just approach the safe, start drilling, and keep an eye on the heat gauge so you don't overdo it and break your tool. Happy heisting!



Actually, in some missions, you can't just blow up or shoot the safe open. You need to follow the mission instructions, which might involve finding a key or hacking a system to open it without alarms. Pay attention to the mission details!



IDK why everyone complicates this. Just shoot the lock off. Works like a charm for me every time. 🎯

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