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Where to find a tow truck in GTA 5 online

Where to find a tow truck in GTA 5 online

avatar Tatiana Burgos

Best answer



Finding a tow truck in GTA 5 online can be quite the adventure but worry not, fellow criminal mastermind! Your best bet is hitting up the industrial areas, like the ones in Los Santos' southeastern side or near the docks. The tow truck likes to hang out there, probably reminiscing about all the cars it's towed away. Keep your eyes peeled for it spawning in these spots!

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Industrial areas are your go-to. But, let's be real, is the hassle worth it when you could be flying a jet or causing mayhem?



Honestly, just buy one. Why wander around looking for something that might not even be there when you check? Save that time for heists and chaos!



Just grab one from the streets around the LSPD stations. Sometimes, they're just parked there, waiting for someone with a penchant for towing things to come along. Note: the cops might not appreciate your interest in their tow trucks. Proceed with caution and maybe a fast car for your getaway.

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