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Why are there no epic battles in Plants vs Zombies?

Why are there no epic battles in Plants vs Zombies?

avatar Diego Kafie

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Oh, but there are! You've got to think of Plants vs Zombies like chess with zombies and sunflowers. While it might not be 'epic battles' in the sense of huge armies clashing, each level is its own kind of epic showdown. Strategizing which plants to place where and predicting the waves of zombies definitely pumps up the tension. Plus, those boss fights? Total epicness in my book.

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Epic? Maybe you're playing it wrong. The final levels and the endless mode where you keep going until you're overrun? That's as epic as it gets in gardening warfare.



Because it's a strategy game, not an action game! The whole point is to use your brain, not brute force. Each plant and zombie type adds a layer of strategy that makes even the smallest encounters feel significant.

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